
Private Financing Option

Over the years, SIG has grown a vast network of private financiers and can connect you with the right person/ firm so you can close your deal.

Why go with private financing when others are not an option?

Private financing can be a great option when other forms of financing are not available. Private financing can provide quick access to capital and can be more flexible than other forms of financing. Private financing can also provide more favorable terms and repayment options, even if the interest rates are higher, it is a great option for those who need to access financing quickly and without the hassle of dealing with traditional banks. With your immediate need for capital resolved, we can work on a strategy to move your loan to an A or B lender for lower interest rates.

Exit strategy/ steps to switch from “C” to “A” or “B” Lender

  1. Analyze your current financial situation and decide if switching lenders is the best move. Consider the cost of switching lenders, the terms of the new loan, and the impact of the switch on your financial goals.
  2. Contact your existing lender and let them know you are considering a switch. Ask them if they can match the terms of the new lender or offer any other incentives to stay.
  3. Contact the new lender and obtain a loan pre-approval. Make sure to compare the terms of the new loan, including interest rates and fees, to the current loan.
  4. Contact a real estate lawyer to review and complete the loan transfer paperwork.
  5. Make sure you understand the terms of the new loan and that your monthly payments are lower than your current loan.
  6. Make sure you understand the terms of the loan and the potential tax implications associated with the loan switch.
  7. Make sure to inform your existing lender of the switch and cancel any automatic payments associated with the old loan.
  8. Make sure to make all payments on time to the new lender.